class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ #
Resampling and Cross-Validation
] .subtitle[ ## .big[🔁 ⚒️️ 📚 ] ] .author[ ### Machine Learning in R
SMaRT Workshops
] .date[ ### Day 2C Shirley Wang ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Overview --- class: onecol ## Motivation - Yesterday, we introduced the rationale for **holdout set validation** - To avoid overfitting, we evaluate performance on completely **unseen** data -- - However, we often want to check performance *during model development* - This becomes especially important during tuning (discussed tomorrow) - If we use the testing set now, then it won't be "unseen" later... -- - What do we do if we aren't ready to go to the testing set yet? - We can take our *training set* and partition or resample it - We then fit models on some parts and evaluate their performance on other parts --- class: onecol ## Lecture Plan There are various ways to do this partitioning/resampling - Cross-validation - Bootstrapping This lecture is about several cross-validation methods, including: - `\(k\)`-fold cross-validation - repeated `\(k\)`-fold cross-validation - leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) - nested cross-validation --- class: inverse, center, middle # `\(k\)`-fold Cross-Validation --- ## `\(k\)`-fold Cross-Validation <br> <img src="data:image/png;base64,#../figs/kfold1.png" width="95%" /> --- count: false ## `\(k\)`-fold Cross-Validation .center[ <img src="data:image/png;base64,#../figs/kfold2.png" width="70%" /> ] --- class: onecol ## `\(k\)`-fold Cross-Validation Our resampling performance estimate is averaged across each *k* fold. `\(k\)`-fold CV can also be .imp[stratified] to keep the folds relatively similar. `\(k\)`-fold CV can also be .imp[repeated] to avoid problems with any single split. -- <p style="padding-top:30px;">How many folds should be used in cross-validation? - Higher `\(k\)` results in resampling estimates with **lower bias** but **higher variance**. - Lower `\(k\)` results in estimates with **higher bias** but **lower variance**. --[ **Advice**: The bias-variance trade-off is optimized around `\(k=10\)`, but researchers sometimes use `\(k=5\)` when their `\(N\)` is small (to make the assessment sets larger). ] --- ## Our Recommended Analysis Scheme <img src="data:image/png;base64,#../figs/kfold4_jg.png" width="75%" /> .footnote[*Note.* We recommend `\(k=10\)` but are showing 3 folds for visual simplicity.] --- class: onecol ## `\(k\)`-fold Cross-Validation in R We will use the `vfold_cv()` function from {rsample}<sup>1</sup>. | Argument | Description | |:-------- | :---------- | | data | The data frame to split (e.g., the training set) | | v | The number of partitions to create (default = 10) | | repeats | The number of times to repeat the v-fold partitioning (default = 1) | | strata | Variable to conduct stratified sampling (default = NULL) | .footnote[ [1] Note that {tidymodels} refers to `\(k\)`-fold as `\(v\)`-fold CV. ] --- class: onecol ## `\(k\)`-fold Cross-Validation in R Let's perform 10-fold cross-validation repeated 3 times using the `titanic` dataset. Our goal will be to predict each passenger's fare (how much they paid). -- .scroll40[ ``` r library(tidymodels) titanic <- read_csv("") set.seed(2022) fare_split <- initial_split(titanic, prop = 0.8, strata = fare) fare_train <- training(fare_split) fare_test <- testing(fare_split) fare_folds <- vfold_cv(fare_train, v = 10, repeats = 3, strata = fare) fare_folds #> # 10-fold cross-validation repeated 3 times using stratification #> # A tibble: 30 × 3 #> splits id id2 #> <list> <chr> <chr> #> 1 <split [940/106]> Repeat1 Fold01 #> 2 <split [940/106]> Repeat1 Fold02 #> 3 <split [941/105]> Repeat1 Fold03 #> 4 <split [941/105]> Repeat1 Fold04 #> 5 <split [941/105]> Repeat1 Fold05 #> 6 <split [941/105]> Repeat1 Fold06 #> 7 <split [942/104]> Repeat1 Fold07 #> 8 <split [942/104]> Repeat1 Fold08 #> 9 <split [942/104]> Repeat1 Fold09 #> 10 <split [944/102]> Repeat1 Fold10 #> # ℹ 20 more rows ``` ] -- The `splits` column contains information on how to split the data. `[940/106]` indicates `\(N = 940\)` in the analysis set and `\(N = 106\)` in the assessment set. --- class: onecol ## `\(k\)`-fold Cross-Validation in R We can extract individual resampled data folds with `analysis()` and `assessment()`. -- .scroll30[ ``` r fare_folds$splits[[1]] %>% analysis() #> # A tibble: 940 × 7 #> survived fare pclass sex age sibsp parch #> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 0 0 1 male NA 0 0 #> 2 0 0 1 male NA 0 0 #> 3 0 0 1 male 40 0 0 #> 4 1 0 1 male 49 0 0 #> 5 0 0 1 male NA 0 0 #> 6 0 0 1 male 38 0 0 #> 7 0 0 2 male NA 0 0 #> 8 0 0 2 male NA 0 0 #> 9 0 0 2 male NA 0 0 #> 10 0 7.55 3 male 42 0 0 #> # ℹ 930 more rows ``` ] -- .scroll30[ ``` r fare_folds$splits[[1]] %>% assessment() #> # A tibble: 106 × 7 #> survived fare pclass sex age sibsp parch #> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 0 0 1 male 39 0 0 #> 2 0 0 2 male NA 0 0 #> 3 0 7.05 3 male 25 0 0 #> 4 0 7.78 3 female 38 4 2 #> 5 1 7.80 3 male 23 0 0 #> 6 0 7.22 3 male 20 0 0 #> 7 0 7.25 3 male 22 0 0 #> 8 0 7.90 3 male 17 0 0 #> 9 0 7.80 3 male 18 0 0 #> 10 0 7.85 3 male 41 0 0 #> # ℹ 96 more rows ``` ] --- class: onecol ## `\(k\)`-fold Cross-Validation in R However, we generally don't need to extract the individual folds. {tidymodels} has built-in functions that use `vfold_cv` objects directly: - `fit_resamples()` fits all resamples **with no tuning** - `tune_grid()` fits all resample **with tuning** -- <p style="padding-top:30px;"> Most ML algorithms include .imp[hyperparameters] to be tuned<sup>1</sup> and require `tune_grid()`. But we can use `fit_resamples()` for 'traditional' statistical models like LM and GLM. Luckily, these functions are **nearly identical** so learning one will transfer to the other! .footnote[ [1] We will learn our first ML algorithms and tuning tomorrow! ] --- class: onecol ## Resampling Options There are three possible interfaces to `fit_resamples()` and `tune_grid()`: ``` r model_spec %>% fit_resamples(formula, resamples, ...) model_spec %>% fit_resamples(recipe, resamples, ...) workflow %>% fit_resamples(resamples, ...) ``` -- There are also a number of optional arguments, including: - `metrics`: performance metrics to compute<sup>1</sup> - `control`: a list created by `control_resamples()` or `control_grid()` with various resampling options .footnote[ [1] We can provide a metric set here, just like we did for `last_fit()` ] --- class: onecol ## Resampling Options The `control` argument to `fit_resamples()` can be configured by `control_resamples()`<sup>1</sup>: Argument | Description :------- | :---------- verbose | Whether to print progress (default = FALSE) save_pred | Whether to save out-of-sample predictions per *k* fold (default = FALSE) event_level | For classification only; specify which level is considered the "event" (`"first"` or `"second"`) extract | An optional function to retain model objects .footnote[ [1] The same list can be created for `tune_grid()` by `control_grid()`. ] --- class: onecol ## Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation The most extreme variation of k-fold CV is when `\(k = N-1\)`. This is called .imp[leave-one-out cross-validation]. A model is trained on `\(N-1\)` rows and used to predict a **single held-out observation**. -- <p style="padding-top:30px;"> The {rsample} package has a `loo_cv()` function that performs LOOCV. However, these objects are not well integrated into the broader tidymodels framework. LOOCV is **computationally expensive** and may have poor statistical properties. --[ LOOCV is not generally recommended. It's usually better to stick with k-fold CV. ] --- class: onecol ## Comprehension Check \#1 **Jamie builds an ML model using 10-fold stratified cross-validation, with 3 repeats.** .pull-left[ ### Question 1 **How many assessment results will they produce?** a) 1 b) 3 c) 10 d) 30 ] .pull-right[ ### Question 2 **What is stratified *k*-fold cross-validation?** a) Each *k* fold contains 1/2 of the data b) Some training data are not used in CV c) Each *k* fold has similar data distribution d) Multiple iterations of *k* folds are made ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Nested Cross-Validation --- class: onecol ## Nested Cross-Validation Nested cross-validation adds an additional layer of resampling. This separates the model **tuning**<sup>1</sup> from the model evaluation process. It also frees us from having to rely on a **single** test set to evaluate our model. .footnote[ [1] We'll discuss model tuning in detail tomorrow! ] -- <p style="padding-top:30px;">There are **two layers** of resampling in nested CV. The .imp[outer loop] splits the full data set into training and testing sets. The .imp[inner loop] splits the training data set into analysis and assessment sets. --- class: onecol ## Nested Cross-Validation For every split of the outer loop, a **full inner resampling split** is conducted. Let's say we use 10-fold CV on the **outer loop** and 5-fold CV on the **inner loop**. This would be a total of .imp[50 models] being fit! -- <p style="padding-top:30px;">In this case, **hyperparameter tuning** is performed within each inner loop. A model is then **fit to each outer split** with the best parameter from that resample. Results are averaged across all outer splits for an **unbiased estimate of the model**. --- ## Nested Cross-Validation .center[ <img src="data:image/png;base64,#../figs/nestedcv_confused.png" width="60%" /> ] --- ## Nested Cross-Validation <img src="data:image/png;base64,#../figs/nested_cv.gif" width="90%" /> --- class: onecol ## Nested CV in R: It's Complicated There is a `nested_cv()` function in {rsample} splits data for nested cross-validation<sup>1</sup>. Unfortunately, nested cross-validation is not yet **fully supported** in tidymodels. `fit_resamples()` and `tune_grid()` do not work for nested cross-validation<sup>1</sup>. If you want to use nested cross-validation, you will need to write your own functions. .footnote[ [1] Though they work great for regular k-fold CV! ] -- <p style="padding-top:30px;"> Example code can be found on the [tidymodels website]( This is a bit complicated, so **we will stick to using repeated k-fold CV** for this course. But if you are ready to for a challenge, we highly encourage looking into nested CV! --- class: inverse, center, middle # Full Walkthrough of k-fold CV --- class: onecol ## Applied Example: Feature Engineering Let's use `fare_folds` to fit a resampled model in R predicting `fare`. First, we'll make a preprocessing {recipe} (without prepping or baking). ``` r fare_recipe <- recipe(fare_train) %>% update_role(fare, new_role = "outcome") %>% update_role(pclass:parch, new_role = "predictor") %>% update_role(survived, new_role = "ignore") %>% step_naomit(fare) %>% step_mutate( pclass = factor(pclass), sex = factor(sex) ) %>% step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% step_impute_linear(age) %>% step_nzv(all_predictors()) %>% step_corr(all_numeric_predictors()) %>% step_lincomb(all_numeric_predictors()) %>% step_normalize(all_predictors()) ``` --- class: onecol ## Applied Example: Specify Model and Workflow Second, we'll specify a linear regression model. ``` r lm_model <- linear_reg() %>% set_engine("lm") %>% set_mode("regression") ``` -- Third, we'll create a {workflow}. ``` r fare_wflow <- workflow() %>% add_recipe(fare_recipe) %>% add_model(lm_model) ``` --- class: onecol ## Applied Example: Fit the Model Finally, we can fit a resampled model with our {workflow} and `fare_folds`. ``` r # configure sampling to save predictions from each k-fold keep_pred <- control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE) fare_fit <- fare_wflow %>% fit_resamples(resamples = fare_folds, control = keep_pred) ``` --- class: onecol ## Applied Example: Evaluate a Resampled Model We can evaluate this model with `collect_metrics()`: ``` r collect_metrics(fare_fit) #> # A tibble: 2 × 6 #> .metric .estimator mean n std_err .config #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <chr> #> 1 rmse standard 39.4 30 2.36 Preprocessor1_Model1 #> 2 rsq standard 0.454 30 0.0161 Preprocessor1_Model1 ``` --- class: onecol ## Applied Example: Evaluate a Resampled Model We can also plot **predicted** against **observed** values to get a better understanding of model performance: .pull-left[ ``` r fare_pred <- fare_fit %>% collect_predictions() fare_pred %>% ggplot(aes(x = fare, y = .pred)) + geom_point(alpha = .15) + geom_abline(color = 'darkred') + coord_obs_pred() + labs(x = "Observed Fare", y = "Predicted Fare") ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="data:image/png;base64,#../figs/fare_pred_2c.png" width="70%" /> ] --- class: onecol ## Final Performance Remember that we have just looked at performance within the training set To evaluate performance in the final, holdout testing set, we can do so... ``` r fare_fit_final <- last_fit(fare_wflow, fare_split) collect_metrics(fare_fit_final) #> # A tibble: 2 × 4 #> .metric .estimator .estimate .config #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> #> 1 rmse standard 29.0 Preprocessor1_Model1 #> 2 rsq standard 0.564 Preprocessor1_Model1 ``` --- class: inverse, center, middle # Time for a Break!